ARGOS robotic scanner for preparations
The Argos 6X Robotic Scanner is a unique sample digitization solution, consisting of up to 6 scanners and a slide storage system, managed by a robotic arm.

The scanner works completely autonomously: simply insert the slide baskets into the feed slots and the robotic arm will automatically feed each scanner with a throughput of up to 250 slides per hour (for a 15x15mm tissue and 20X magnification). Once the process is complete, it will store the slides in the temporary storage area, which has a capacity of up to 3,000 slides. When a case is closed at the LIS, the arm will take the slides related to that case and file them in a tray intended for this purpose, documenting their position to ensure complete traceability.

- Fully configurable
- Up to 6 Scanners (20X and 40X Objectives)
- Robotic arm
- Scanning urgent cases
- Storage of 3,000 samples
- Rescan/Live Microscopy
- Automatic archiving
- Remote assistance