Axlab is a Danish company founded in 1993 with a focus on bioanalysis and pathology.

The ability to understand the day-to-day life of every bioanalyst and pathologist is absolutely essential for Axlab. We have our roots in the laboratory world and visit hospital pathology departments as often as possible to experience the challenges of everyday life up close.

And it is with this valuable knowledge as our inspiration that we offer the advanced technological solutions that are not only crucial for laboratory efficiency, but also ensure an optimal working environment and the highest possible quality in analytical work. To the benefit of both staff and patients.

Their solutions offer technological advancements that ensure the highest possible quality for the benefit of patients and employees.

Exclusive distributor of the AS-410M for Europe, America and Australia. More than 20 units have been installed in Denmark, making it the leading country in terms of installations and second in the world, only behind Japan (country of the AS-410M manufacturer, DNS).